Men's Favourites

Men's Favourites
My husband tells me that it's all about speed and simplicity !! In my experience the biggest deterrent to men applying skincare products is if they're left looking shiny or greasy. Therefore it is usually essential that the product has a matte finish. Gentlemen, if you're only going to apply a single product to your skin please make it a sunblock ! There are definitely more men in my skin cancer clinics than women.
Obviously men can use any of the products featured in this store but we have chosen a few that are very popular with our male patients. The Revision Multiprotection SPF50 (now called Intellishade Clear, but exact same formulation) is the most popular as it's a three in one product, moisturising/sun protection and anti-aging peptides and after the first minute, soaks in completely to look invisible. It's also non-oily and suitable for acne prone skin, which is great for men considering they have more sebaceous glands and sebum than women.
Dermaquest Mineral sunblock is a close second as the finish is completely matte after a few minutes. Likewise, Qstrixin is an excellent nightime cream for the same reasons, not tacky or greasy, flat matte finish. A simple pump cleanser left in the corner of the shower is a good idea as it might encourage men to stop using shampoo and shower gel to wash their faces, thus drying them out. For thinning scalps, the SPF30 leave in hair conditioner which protects the scalp from skin cancer is also a winner.
However, we are finding men increasingly adventurous and keen to keep their skin looking it's best and slow down the ageing process so go on, experiment with the other categories too !