Every good skincare regimen begins with proper cleansing ! Not only does it clear away product build-up, make-up and environmental impurities including pollutants, but a thorough cleansing gives skin a chance to renew itself naturally and allows products subsequently applied to be adequately absorbed. The key to good cleansing is to remove it with a damp muslin cloth and NOT cotton wool or pads.
Choosing a cleanser will depend on your skin type and condition. For example, dry skin will prefer a milk or cream cleanser while oily skin prefers gel or foaming formulas. It’s not rare for people with combination skins to use different products on the oily T-zone and their drier cheeks.
"Alternating between a creamy based cleanser like BR Lait VIP O2 and an exfoliating one like Simply Clean/Jan Marini will ensure that you're not over exfoliating your skin's surface" Nurse Catherine
You should also pay attention to the ingredients to make sure your chosen cleanser contains ingredients to support and balance your skin type. Please feel free to contact us for direction on choosing the right cleanser to suit your needs, if it's not obvious from our advice here. While you can use a cleanser twice a day, you can get away with a quick water rinse with a washcloth (preferably a muslin cloth) in the morning, but you should NEVER skip your evening application.