The Causes and Treatments of Acne
Start addressing this at home yourself by asking 'What fuel is firing the furnace in your skin?'
This is not an allergy but rather a food intolerance so its just a matter of testing by cutting out a food stuff and then re-introducing it a few weeks later and observing any affects on your acne.
Common culprits: Dairy, Sugar, Nuts, Nut butters, High Glycaemic (sugar) fruits and foods eg bananas, grapes, tropical fruits, processed white bread, pasta, sugary cereals, sugar rich drinks, energy drinks, too many eggs (over 3/4 a week unless you eat white oily fish 3 times a week), whey protein powders.....
Most people do not react to all of they above but when they find a food that flares their acne, it can make a very big difference to cut it out (at least until they grow out of this intolerance).
Prescribed medications will be far more effective if you withdraw foods that are making it worse. After treating acne for the past 35 years, I find that the vast majority of people will have some food trigger or other !
Certain supplements can also aggravate acne: Biotin, B12 and Iodine.
Other supplements help acne: Omega 3 oils, Vits A and D, Zinc, Probiotics.